Thai Takasago Co.,Ltd. has joined the Industrial IoT Solution Expo 2019 for the biggest industrial sector. The expo was held by The Federation of Thai Industries. The Company has brought the product called “LOMA”, which is an IoT for the ventilation and industry to show at the expo with interests by many visitors. Moreover, there was an exclusive speech under topic “Affect of IoT on Industrial Sector of Thailand 4.0” and “Industrial IoT Innovation 5G” by many innovation specialists of Thailand. The expo was held on 5th floor, S31 Hotel, Sukhumvit on 24 October 2019.
タイ高砂は、「タイ工業連盟」主催の展示会“Industrial IoT Solution Expo 2019”にブース出展いたしました。展示会は2019年10月24日にS31ホテルで開催され、タイIot界の有識者による講演などが行われました。 タイ高砂はIotを用いて空調設備(HVAC)の管理・監視できる“LOMA”システムを展示し、多くの方がブースを訪れました。
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