โทร: +662 751 9695
ธันวาคม 15, 2017

            13.ไทยทากาซาโก ZERO ACCIDENT 2017 Practices By Thai Takasago Co., Ltd.

ZERO ACCIDENT 2017 Practices By Thai Takasago Co., Ltd.

           Once again, Thai Takasago Co., Ltd. held “Annual Safety Meeting” and “2nd Yearly Subcontracting Meeting” on 24th November 2017. Both events were organized by Thai Takasago Co., Ltd. This time, we organized the events at the same place as the last time which was Bangna Garden Towers. We received good support from all associated suppliers and subcontractors to prevent accidents from occurring. Our Section Managers have been awarded “Safety Certification” from our mother company, Takasago Thermal Engineering Co., Ltd.

            The opening speech was honorably given by our one and only Managing Director, Mr. Takehisa Muraki. As Thai Takasago Co., Ltd. has always taken the willingness of zero accidents, we had our Japanese specialist, Mr. Hiroshi Araki to explain how Thai Takasago deal with “Safety Management for Miscellaneous Work”. We have a determined system of safety management and procedures, we start from workers list registration, Pre-working safety training, preparation of work plan, owner’s confirmation of work plan and the list goes on.

           Furthermore, we are aware of risks and danger in work place which construction sites fit in the category. We had Senior Safety Officer who is in charge with ICON SIAM safety management in high-rise building work. Since working in a higher ground takes more risks and carefulness than other works. Therefore, safety management for this project should be thoroughly planned for possibility of accidents.

           The events were concluded by Safety Section Manager of Thai Takasago, Mr. Petmark gave 2017’s recap of what Thai Takasago have received during the year and future zero accident goals for 2018. We always appreciate those who follow laws and regulations for safety practices, by doing so we greatly awarded subcontractors who delivered least accidents in 2017. Accidents can be prevented if we keep rules and regulation in our minds.

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