โทร: +662 751 9695
ธันวาคม 30, 2016

            05.ไทยทากาซาโก Safety Is Our Number 1 Priority

Thai Takasago
"Safety Is Our Number 1 Priority

            Thai Takasago Co., Ltd. organized “Annual Safety Seminar” on 22st December 2016, the seminar was held at Bangna Garden Towers. There were a large number of participants attending the seminar included Thai Takasago’s contractors and sub-contractors. Our Managing Director “Mr. TAKEHISA MURAKI” was honored to give an opening speech of the seminar, following by Thai Takasago’s Senior Technical Manager (Mr. HIROSHI ARAKI) and Safety Manager (Mr. Komkrit Petmark).

            Mr. Komkrit Petmark explained and demonstrated how safety laws and regulations were implemented by Thai Takasago during construction period. Not only regulations had been made in this seminar but there also were accident cases that had occurred during the year to remind participants to be aware of them. Thai Takasago Co., Ltd. always put safety as the main priority, without supports and cooperation from others there is no way Thai Takasago could succeed zero-accident policy.

            There were multiple of best safety employees who complied the safety regulations strictly had been awarded in this seminar. After the seminar had ended all participants was asked to sign their names on the board to show their commitment toward safety and zero-accident policy.

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